Plan miasta Louverne

Louverne - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Building trust: Police, Weed and Seed host cookout for community ...

LouVerne McCray, who is now with Weed and Seed. Men, women and children gathered at the horseshoe pit and chatted with officers and others in the community. After the last hotdogs were given out, community leader Betty Mauney broke out ...
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ISD 192 Class Sizes Rising? Cut Admin Salaries! | Bill Roehl

I kind of have issues with the idea of class sizes, but Louverne brought up a point that is one I also thought of while in the shower this morning. One of my personal kicks is that if we the people, a majority, are willing to vote for ...
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Obits 3-15-10 ? 4-23-10 | The Truth Regional News

He was born May 31, 1917 in Jackson, KY and was the son of the late George and Louverna Campbell Daniel. He was preceded in death by two brothers; Raymond and George Daniel and one grandson: Clify. He was employed at E.I. Dupont for 32 ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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